Sunday, December 15, 2013

Former Marine Breaks Woman's 45-Foot Fall

Many of you have heard this story.  (Sorry I am so far behind on updating the blog, but I am working to catch up.)  When I first heard about this gentleman attempting to catch the falling fan, I thought it was a spur-of-the-moment response.  The story below tells otherwise.  Apparently this guy pleaded with the woman for quite a while not to jump, so he had plenty of time to think through the implications of staying underneath her... and he chose to stay anyway.  Semper Fi!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

At 90, John Shears Shows that Guts Have no Age Limit

The man jumped in front of a charging horse to protect the life of a child.  This is a classic example of "doing what you have to do" regardless of the potential consequences.  Thank you, Mr. Shear.  Happy 92nd!