Wednesday, January 11, 2012

UPDATE: Steven Santiago Pulled Man From Tracks, Then Got Hit by Train

The story below went up several weeks ago.  A story at this link reports that Mr. Santiago has succumbed to his injuries.

This kind of thing remains high-risk, and this is a case in point.  Last reported in critical condition with serious head injuries, Mr. Santiago was able to get another person clear, but did not leave enough time to get himself to safety.  A link contained in this article leads to a bit more information.  Hopefully Mr. Santiago will recover.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Jacqui O'Conner Braves Live Powerlines in Bid to Help Balloon Crash Victims

This was risky business.  Often High-Tension lines can kill without even being touched.  If moist, the ground around them can become sufficiently electrified to incapacitate anyone nearby.  This was a terrible tragedy, and Ms O'Conner and her friend showed a lot of moxie to even try to help.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Shankar Maity On the Mend After Saving Hopital Patients from Fire

I failed to include the link to his actions the first time that I mentioned Mr. Maity.  You can learn more about what he did at this link.

But now it appears that he and many others who volunteered to help may be offered jobs as a way of saying "thanks".  Good to hear!